playing with shadows...

...and an easter lily

one of the last blooms - on my tiny plant - it has not disappointed me in any way - shape or form at all - this little lily plant which i picked up - however in doing some research on whether i might - be able to save the bulbs after the blooms - have died off, i found some rather disturbing information - which i was unaware of prior to purchasing it

easter lilies are deadly to kitties if they should get a leaf - chew on it at all! - the toxicity of the plant can cause immediate kidney failure!

needless to say - this news caused me distress and i have moved - said plant far out of the way of miss mollie - it will be pitched as soon as the last bloom - has withered if not before - i just don't want to take any chances at all - she is far too important to me - i am surprised i wasn't aware of this harmful info before - but now that i know i won't indulge in them - in the future preferring instead to ensure the continuance of...


happy day.....

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