gingerbread pitstop

A trip to Manchester with Z and we managed to nab 40 minutes with Daddy at lunchtime.

Just back from lambing at 1am.... will be on the train to work at 7:25. Yikes. But it was worth it as I got the chance to assist in a tricky delivery of a ginormous lamb. And for the second night running there were strange goings on near the farm - tonight a teen driver wrote off their car just before we arrived (thankfully no-one hurt but some very shaken up youngsters, we were able to get the emergency services and provide a bit of calm advice - weird to be the grown ups). Last night it was shenanigans with a guy who seemed to have chosen the farm to park up and smoke some drugs. We tried to play it cool but my friend accidentally leant on the car horn and terrified the poor guy!

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