Nothing but grey sky

Back in school today after what felt like the longest break from school ever. Had an interesting time at Trivolle today. We've got a funny group this time and haven't made the headway we have with other groups before, in terms of building relationship and making steps forward in terms of positive engagement. Today was really interesting though. When told that they'd been made Prime Minister of the country and asked what their first rule would be I was expecting responses like 'No School' and 'Free sweets' etc etc. However they were incredibly thoughtful and chose to change things like give more money to the NHS and make sure that people were able to buy everything they needed. One of our girls, who is fostered, said she'd make a rule that all parents must love their children and no child should ever be taken from their parent, however bad their parenting might be. A really thoughtful and interesting discussion which gave us some useful insight into their lives. We then proceeded to beat each other at Trivolle.

So tried this afternoon, I swear if I'd have closed my eyes at my desk I would have slept and I'm not even a napper. I forced myself out for my last run this evening though and was really glad I did (as usual) because it was really good and put me in a really positive frame of mind for Sunday. Now the lazing around can really start!

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