what we did today...

By SarnieV

Hail/snow - scottish spring!

Today I've been saddened by the behaviour of some of the grown ups at our school. A small matter has turned into a huge nightmare of a fight, insults and accusations being cast all over. No one seems interested in the facts which is that one member of the group forgot to do her expenses, and now has receipts missing and a treasurer has insisted on receipts. It's turned into an opportunity for all sorts of people to fling insults at each other. It's like a House of Commons argument - each person trying to appear superior to the next and making up things to support their own argument. Each losing any respect I had for them in the process. Why do people think it's ok to put these things on social media? I despair! One of the big steps for students who arrive at university is to come to grips with the idea that there is no true answer and it's all about considering all the facts and opinions and making an informed judgement. They struggle with that change, as st school they are taught there is a right and wrong answer. Perhaps these parents didn't go to university. Perhaps the idea of there not being one true answer should be brought into primary school so everyone understands that?!
Luckily I had a wee glass of wine and chat sorted with some level headed ladies, and my walk home in a blizzard was so light hearted relief to a tough day.

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