The hills are alive, and not with music!

My hairdresser was here by 9 o'clock, and after she had worked her magic, we went to Porthcawl. J dropped me near the harbour, and that is where i took this shot. I didn't know, until I had downloaded it, that there  was a ferry crossing the channel.  I'm not sure if that is cloud, or smoke, that appears to be coming out of the hillside opposite. It was really chilly by the lighthouse, so I didn't hang around, and then walked into town. I had a quick look around the shops, and then J phoned to say he was  ready, and we came home.  As soon as I got into the car, we had a  heavy shower of hailstones. That was lucky, as I would have been drenched. I had left my washing out on the line, but luckily. they were dry.

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