
By FrankS

Party Time!

Emma and I decided to give Ann a surprise birthday party more than a year ago. Today it finally materialised. Fifty friends and relations turned up at the Warwick Suite, Saxon Mill half an hour before Ann was due to arrive.

Ann's entrance into the room left her surprised, stunned and very emotional. The secret had been kept by everyone since I sent the invitations out earlier this year.

It was a great relief to me that the party went off as planned, with no small thanks going to Emma and her wonderful organising skills without whom none of this would have been possible.

Afternoon tea was served and the conversation flowed for the next few hours.

The photo is some of the cup cakes made by Ryan's mother, Shirley. She had made one hundred cakes, and as can be seen, they disappeared quite rapidly. Totally delicious, and a very generous gesture.

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