Chocolate Model
Katie's highlight of the day by far was going back to dance class today. She absolutely loves her Tuesday classes. She had a great time today at break for ah extra reason though. As a bit of a "cheer her up" the dad of a church friend of hers used a voucher he'd won to order her a personalised kitkat. I said she could have it as her dance snack and she took it to show her teacher. Her teacher thought it was fabulous and showed all the other children. She then took a photo of katie with it and put it on the schools social media pages. Which I saw as I sat in the car waiting after my run.
It especially made me smile as katie had been a bit nervous about wearing her leotard with her spots after a few unpleasant comments at school whilst changing for PE. The teacher and I had said she could leave a tshirt on for class today, but here she was, grinning away and full of it in her uniform.
Katie said to me "then I ran away and everyone chased me". A happy miss.
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