We visited Nom Ombu temple in the morning, which was absolutely stunning. All the girls for sent ahead to the crocodile mummy exhibition so the tour guide could show the boys an inappropriate carving of a penis.

Had some free time and so went in the freezing pool on the top of the boat and had a little time to sunbathe.

In the afternoon we visited Edfu temple via horse and carriage (not as fun as it sounds) which was also pretty impressive apart from the fact that we got harassed like crazy on the way out by people trying to sell us stuff. Raji managed to get convinced to buy two Galaibya for 1200 LE and it was hilarious seeing Tims face when he found out. Got told off by the tour guide for leaving without him even though he was the one who was missing/late.

Still not feeling 100% and was a bit sun dazed when we got back and suggested catching the end of wreck it Ralph.

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