
By DWBham

Happy and hang dog

I didn't have my camera with me on my visit today, which is too bad because mom was in great spirits, really enjoying the baking / trivia activity in the Bistro area. I would have taken a picture of her answering the quiz questions or helping a fellow resident.  The resident in question had her forehead planted on the counter, nodding off, so mom went and got her a pillow.

Instead of walking, we took LS to the vet. He's been acting oddly lately, what I call "hang dog." I was worried that it was something in his spine and didn't know if walking was good for him, should be curtailed, should be kept short, etc. X-rays can't show disc issues, but they showed that he doesn't have any arthritis or cracks or breaks.

Later I thought, maybe he's just down because Paul is still away on his 12-day river trip. Hope I didn't spend 300 at the vet just to learn he misses Paul.

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