
By Frontier

Rainy Streets

Underworld - Eventually But

Had a day off today. I was lucky because I was also coincidentally sick. Something I ate.

Spent the day in bed sleeping. Tried to do things but was too exhausted. I finished watching Ex Machina which was very good. Eventually in the early evening I could get up. Had a nice video chat with the parents to catch up at Starbucks then instead of doing my original plan, I went to the cinemas.

Perfect timing for T2 Trainspotting, which was playing when I got there. . The original is one of my favourite films of all time so it was good to see the sequel. Honestly, they really didn't need to make it but it was a nice, Nostalgic trip. For me there was no excitement because the characters weren't trying to get off their addictions and be better people which I felt was the drive of the first film. But the interesting angle was the characters trying to adapt to the modern lifestyle.

The parts which were worth it for me were basically the updated Choose Life monologue and any moment I could hear Underworld's Born Slippy. I can't believe it's been twenty years since I rented it on VHS. I was a little too young to watch it at the time but I was certainly (along with millions of others) moved by it.

I guess with a lot of sequels or reincarnations of older films/franchises these days spawn from nostalgic teen hood memories of people who now have resources to make them. No complaints here but it does start to make me feel older. Theme the breaks.

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