Flying Flumlet

Last night we discovered that Hazel had a burst abscess on his face, so a trip to the Vet was urgently needed; we all took him down this afternoon.

The Flumlet behaved very well at the Vet's, a new experience for him and the Vet was sweet with him - he was weighed on the scales, his Little Jingly Elephant was also examined and pronounced fit and well. 

He had been promised a session at the playpark after dropping Hazel off at home and, after a quick dash down the chute, a fling on the swing he zipped down the wire a few times, took a whirl on the whirly-thing before dashing off up the hill to roll down it. (Sorry for the grass stains, Mum!)
He was delivered home in time for a quick play with the train set before his tea was ready.

Hazel also behaved well and is now on antibiotic treatment and painkillers and patiently suffers the indignity of our bathing his face.

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