The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Don't Blink

Married moments ago, these newlyweds stand quietly in a moment of reflection prior to making their grand entrance into their wedding reception.

Gabriella and I were exploring Nicollet Island when we noticed a wedding near the pavilion. When you are an 8 year-old girl and you see a wedding party, you beeline straight towards the bride and groom. So I chased after. It was at that point that I witnessed the serenity of this couple. After the moment of this blip and as they made their way to the reception hall, I stopped the groom to shake his hand and congratulate him on his wise decision. I then told him that my wife and I will be celebrating the twenty-first anniversary of our marriage next week. He said, "Congratulations, that is quite a long time".

My response, "Chronologically, it may seem that way, but I have two words of advice: DON"T BLINK."

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