Wide Angle Waddesdon

A back blip as I simply ran out of time yesterday.

Alongside trying to access old hard drive from dead laptop (eventually got info late evening), calibrating monitor screen using borrowed ColorMunki, hairdresser, a full afternoon helping with Visitor Services at Waddesdon Manor plus nipping to Buckingham Camera Club, I just did not have time and energy to get the blip done. I had, though, taken a few pics in preparation whilst there were​ a few idle moments working at Waddesdon.

It was quite quiet yesterday, but having several coachloads visiting meant there​ were bursts of activity. The weather was interesting and it didn't actually rain very much. It was cold though along with dramatic clouds and sun. Being outside at the front I was able to take advantage of the right light and grabbed this shot for wide angle Wednesday.

Now to dash down to Suffolk to see my mother. Never a dull moment!

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