I See Dead People

My Dear Fellow,

Punky is always doing this. Puttering around doing cat stuff, then suddenly - stopping still and STARING at... something...

Let us hope it was just a small moth and not a Demon Nun*.

My work day was very quiet. I mostly listened to podcasts and played with spreadsheets. It's a dull and pointless job, but somebody has to do it.

I did manage to get lost in the office though. I've worked here for well over a year now, but that didn't stop me happily striding along to my desk and then - oh - hang on - I'm on the exact opposite side of where I want to be.

This happens to me all the time, as you well know. I can get lost in Edinburgh. I can get lost in a small council estate. If I deviate from my known path then that's it - I've added at least 30 minutes to my travel time while I retrace my steps and try to get back to familiar ground.

I think it is because I don't pay attention to my surroundings ever. My imagination is full of happy rabbits, warm memories and nudey ladies and as a result I can quite happily miss street signs, landmarks, often entire neighbourhoods go by la la la while I'm singing to myself in my head.

"I'm a man without conviction... I'm a man who doesn't knooooow... how to se-ell a contra-diction, you come and go, you come and goooooo..."

Where the heck am I? B*gger! It's happened again!

One time Bokhara Burnes was driving me home and I was giving him directions to my house. It wasn't until we arrived that I realised I'd directed him to the house I'd lived in 6 months before. 

I think I'm quite special that way. Fortunately, now that we have Google Maps, I'm a little better, but only if the wi-fi reception is good. And it's no use at all when I'm trying to find my desk in the office.

Maybe Punky is the same and this isn't his "Paranormal Activity" look, but instead his "Where the eff did I leave my cat food?" look. 

Like father, like son, possibly.


* I am still utterly freaked out by this. It's been about 6 months now and nuns are still banned from the house.

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