Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Happy Stoifiversary!

This month sees Stoif's 10 Years in the UK Anniversary, so we went out to celebrate. Had an absolutely fantastic night, as I always do with my fantastic buddies, although the HMV Institute not letting people in at midnight rather put a dampener on the evening! Still, South Park back at our house will do, yeah?

On a serious and ever-so-soppy note, I feel it must be known that Stoif has the female equivalent of super shiny balls of steel. To up sticks, leave your family, learn a whole new language and then do a degree in a totally foreign land... I don't think she realises just how much she's achieved and I'll always be proud of her for making such a huge decision in life, and also for sticking to it, even when times look a bit bleak. Also, I want to thank her for making the decision to move here because otherwise I'd have one less awesome friend; she's one of my best and I'll always be grateful for her ace sense of humour, good listening ears, comfy cry-onable shoulders, German sweets delivery service and her all-round fun-ness.

Love you Stoif, don't ever leave!

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