Taking The.....
crayons for a walk. Good job it wasn't hot, they probably would've melted!
After yesterday's dismal day of grey and rain, today we were back to sunshine. Albeit it was a bit cool in the shade. Isabella started off with a hat and sandals on, but before too long both came off.
She had lunch, of cheese, spam and half an avocado. After I told my husband he could eat the other half of the avocado she decided she wanted more! She easily settled for more spam and cheese. She then ate a whole mandarin.
The afternoon was spent, colouring, sticking, dancing and reading. She then found some glittery pom-poms in one of the spare rooms.
And that was it, she played with these for ages. Moving them from box to box, to a chair, to the stroller, to the play-pen. I then gave her a cup cake pan to play with and she sorted them into all the little indents.
She had a great day, finishing it off with lots of pasta for dinner.
And we can do it all again tomorrow.
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