Birthday Girl
Today was my daughter's 19th birthday...hard to believe. Where does that time go? We headed down to a park to take a few photos of the special girl on her special day. Then came home and Skyped with my son. So many sweet memories...
It was literally hot today. 30 C with the humidex and people were complaining. Not me...I went for a long walk and soaked it all in before a storm hit this evening. From this storm system, a tornado touched down in London, Ontario (about 2 hrs south of us)...luckily, just a little damage.
Time for bed. It was a busy day and tomorrow will be a long one. Professional Activity day and we are all gathering in a huge arena to listen to three keynote speakers. An email came through this morning saying that we should wear layers of clothing???? Oh boy.... ha!
Take care....almost the weekend!
D x
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