
By snailspace

O, what a beautiful morning

This is it. This is what I came home for. On a perfect Spring day such as today, there can be no finer place to be than Orkney...

Stunning, I tell you - stunning!

If only I had time to enjoy it with my walking boots on and my camera in hand. Alas...

Mr L is occupied in replacing window facings and painting them plus repairing a few ridge tiles that were damaged over the winter. I drew the short straw and am dealing with a huge backlog of laundry.

It is however a perfect drying day and the washing is going out and coming in again at frequent intervals. It is actually a great pleasure to be pegging out in the sunshine, with the sound of Skylarks on the gentle breeze. Bliss, after 7 months of washing carefully selected small loads in costly launderette machines.

Give me two more days like this and I might be done. Until I get to grips with the curtains that Mr L is removing, that is.

Hang Spring Cleaning! I say.

Have found a home, I think, for the bar billiard table and Mr L's vinyl collection. We make incremental progress towards a saleable property. Unfortunately these two items won't be going out of the door until 10th May, so we still have to work around those.

I think I am all caught up with the backblips now but am not entirely sure as I am having some challenges presented to me in combining my two Lightroom Catalogues. Moving so many images from lappie to PC across our Mi-fi network is overheating the kit and breaking things

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