Day 118/17. Darwin Awards Friday !!!

It was like a comedy sketch. I kid you not........
Yes, it is a nice shiny new(ish) Mercedes convertable.
Yes it is a rough industrial wooden pallet.
Yes it is resting in the back with nothing to protect the seats.
No it is not tied down in any way.
And, YES, the guy really got into it and drove off with it like that.

As I see the risk assessment......
1. Emergency stop, flies forward and decapitates the driver.
2. Too fast and it flies off and decapitates the driver of the following car.
3. Bumpy road surface and it decimates the nice leather upholstery
4. Drive slow and steady but get spotted by the local constabulary, get more than a verbal slap.
Do you think there is an IQ above, what, 50, 60 at work here? Why would you even consider doing this?

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