Sanctuary Wood Trenches

Friday 28th April 2017 (1707)

A trip into Belgium today and the first stop was the Menin Gate, a very impressive monument. On then to Sanctuary Wood and the trenches. Walking through the trenches and through the wood in the peace and quiet was a moving experience. A coach load of teenagers then arrived and we walked with a background of shouting and noise, which gave an interesting contrast and reflection. Visiting the trenches is something I've wanted to do for a long time. My gt-uncle was killed during the first world war in France and it is interesting to reflect on the history. 

After lunch we went on to Passchendale, to the Tyne Cot cemetery, the largest of the Commonwealth War Graves cemeteries. So many graves, so many names on the memorial of those who were missing and whose graves are unidentified. 

A very moving day. We completed the tour by going to the beach at Dunkirk.    

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