Our house in all of it's glory. At least they are doing something inside as the  blinds are down to let light in.

Another cloudy and rainy day. 15°C max temperature with cold wind. It felt like winter! It seems that tomorrow will bring the sunshine back. After that it looks like steady sunshine and rising temperatures day after day. Me gusta!

Today I drew another design of my own. I did one dress out if it. It was pretty good. But then I wanted to make it better and made some adjustments and made another dress out of it but haven't yet tried it on. It looks good, but after I post this I'll try it.I was hoping to be done earlier, but some fatigue still affected my day and my plans to photograph the new design was delayed. I'll try to get the pics tomorrow. (If the 2.0 is as good as I hope it might actually happen.)

Good night to you all!

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