Birthday party

Daisy did very well this morning in getting up and going to school. She got in at twenty to three in the morning after going to see the midnight showing of the new guardians of the galaxy. She was proper sound asleep by the time I finished work though, arising much later in the search for food. A first for us all.

Work was a little too active, i like a nice calm Friday with no meetings to get actual work done. This was nothing of the sort. I relaxed before my final meeting thinking it would be a nice relaxing chat, that was a mistake....

And before that Julie the cleaner came back after a three week break for one reason and another. She brushed aside my apologies for the state of the hob, claiming "dont worry at all, I love a challenge". I don't think it's something to be proud of.

And then the lovelies came round for drinks, dinner, presents and chats. Will had knocked up some brownies for pudding, a nice night.

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