Bristol Student

By MayGreene

Washing and drying clothes ready for the big move. I want this too much.
Some people from my halls are moving in tomorrow, and I am so jealous of them. I can't sit here anymore in this house. My mum and I are arguing over every detail of what I'm packing. As much as I'd like to blame it on difference of opinion, I know why she's really shouting. I feel bad most of the time shouting back, but there's only so much remember to use food when you're cooking advice I can deal with.
Ok she may be wisened and aware of the world and what it has to offer, but I'm almost 20. I haven't been living under a rock and I do know a thing or two about life. It's hard not to unless you walk around with a bucket on your head.

Still, only 3 days to go...

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