My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

A day of two halves

This morning started well... Baby L went for a walk with N in our local woods where they saw this wild garlic. Later in the morning my brother and his youngest daughter came to visit and the girls had a play date and a picnic in our living room.

The day took a turn this afternoon when Baby L developed a rash on her front and back and a very high temperature. We gave her some calpol but the fever did not come down. I phoned NHS 111 and they advised us to take her to the hospital for assessment... so off we went. It was very busy but as she is under two years old we were seen pretty quickly. The doctor assessed her, gave her nurofen (I hadn't given it before until I knew it was safe to do so - I know you can't give it for chickenpox) and sent us home.

She has a viral infection and we're to manage it with calpol and nurofen at regular intervals.

Poor baby. She's had a rough time lately.

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