A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Slightly challenging early morning* but 8.30am promptly saw us all ready to leave the house for J's first 'proper' football league game. As my folks were down they came too, as did my footballing brother and his son so Jackson had supporters in force. It probably helped that it was one of the hottest days of the year but great that we were all there to see him play his first game and score his first goal which happened just a moment before this photo. I did manage to capture the moment and the even more enthusiastic first moments of celebration but there were lots of kids on those photos and without permission to use them I have erred on the side of caution. Plus they include a picture of a member of the opposing team with his head in his hands which tells a great story but would not be kind. Anyway, his head wasn't in his hands for long as overall they won game 4-2. It was a good game for our guys and a great one for J with a goal and a clean sheet and an even better one for all of us watching in the sun with plentiful cups of tea available. I suspect it may not always be this way...

Back to W4 for a perfect restorative roast lunch at a pub on the river before descending en masse on my brother and sis-in-law to do more coo-ing over their new arrival. Yet more cups of tea before we headed home to collapse in front of Doctor Who; in addition to my late night / early morning, Carl was on a stag do yesterday...though it turns out it's just us who need to collapse as the kids are currently playing tennis in the garden. I can't help but wonder if there's any correlation between their long night of sleep and lack of beer and enormous amounts of energy...

As for me, the sofa is calling and I'm really hoping for a simple(ish) plot-line in this week's Doctor Who.

Lesley x

*after late to bed following night at the Dogs and early morning wake-up call from very excited child...

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