Not my favourite!

I went across town this morning to see a lady who is concerned about a particular tree that's under threat of being cut down, and also about the number of wooden pallets and plastic fish boxes dumped on what used to be a flower-filled grass verge opposite her house. Poor lady - she said she has sleepless nights about the damage caused by thoughtless people - the neighbours who cut down a laurel bush with a nesting thrush inside, other neighbours who keep road cones on a grass verge opposite their house to reserve the space for their car even though it's owned by somebody else, the council who want to build a marina in the bay though it's well-known for waders and other wildlife! I tried to tell her that she shouldn't have sleepless nights, but to continue writing to the local paper and chasing up the council, but she's a rather despondent correspondent. While I was there she had a call from a friend in Ennis in County Clare; she'd been telling me about this lady who was part of a team set up to beautify their town, and after several years they've made such a difference that they won second place in a Tidy Town competition in Ireland. I was 'told' to speak to her and after a ten minute conversation was much encouraged to think that we could do the same for Oban, though we are several years behind them!

On the way home I walked through the ferry terminal. There are a lot more visitors about today as it's sunny and fairly balmy. I thought I'd Blip the local seafood hut, which is always popular with visitors. Unfortunately I can't stand the sight of all these shellfish and other strange sea creatures and even find the smell rather off-putting. I'm obviously in a minority! 

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