Staking her claim....

..... to going first in the next game of "Duck Duck Bruce"- which states the person to last feed a live duck goes first!

We had a really wonderful day. Music and church as normal this morning. I was leading the littlies in Sunday school and had a lot of fun. Katie enjoyed her class and then played in the sunshine after.

The afternoon was lovely, so relaxed. We went to the Humber Bridge, walked over it to Barton and down into the Waters Edge Country Park. Katie played in four different play areas. One of them was a fab assault coursey type thing that we all had lots of turns on. Katie and I wrestled and duelled, chased and laughed. We walked to the visitor centre and had a great time exploring their exhibitions. We had a quick snack in the cafe before we tried to feed the ducks but they weren't very hungry. We walked to this small pond and found ducks who were a little hungrier. She scooted back across the bridge before declaring it absolutely was time for tea. She's walked, scooted, cartwheeled and danced so very far today!

After a brief wait, improved by colouring sheets and free refills, we had a carvery tea complete with pudding that came with "bottomless custard". She then only just made it home with her wee eyes open.

No school tomorrow- hurrah for bank holidays!

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