
By Cailleach

Window Stopping....

I'm a terrible dawdler, forever stopping..... to look in shop windows....or to tickle cats, dogs and babies....or to have a gossip with the butcher...or to decant the entire contents of my capacious bag onto the pavement, because I can't find my sunglasses....or to phone the wee brother in Spain for a moment to hear how his new guitar is sounding...or to stare vacantly into space, wondering where the hell I'm supposed to be going.....

This is a window box we saw this afternoon outside Cloisters Bar (near The Meadows) after which we went inside, to see if the interior was as lovely as the exterior...(the fact that I've been there loads of times, is completely irrelevant - you have to check these things!)

It was, and we had to stay for a drink.

Well, would have been rude not to really...

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