dolly Mixture

By KirstenR


Yesterday we went to McArthur Glen "shopping heaven"( not with a teenage son it isn't anyway!) to get Andrew some new shoes. It was like flogging a dead horse, he wouuldn't even go into half the shops-" there will be nothing there" was the war cry....and war it was!!
Totally unreceptive is an understatement.
Mother totally exasperated-"well you can't go on your London trip with holy shoes"
Teenage son " Why, they still work don't they?"
Even Peter who is usually calm & collected was getting a bit hot around the collar! Asking "well what sort of shoes do you think you want?" with no useful reply, may I add.
It was pergatory!
This morning, took the bull by the horns, and as the cycling trip seemed to be off, dragged him into Edinburgh. Within 1 hour we had 2 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of trousers and some socks _ Result!
Why didn't he just tell us they had to have Vans labels on them, it could have made life so much easier!!
Cost an arm and a leg though! Never again.
Next time we'll send him off to get them himself.
I cant take anymore!!!

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