In a jump back to the 70s, we had treacle tart for pudding this evening. Made from the recipe in the Bero book that my mam (and both grans and indeed every woman I knew when I was growing up) used for pretty much every recipe they ever needed. Although the recipe in the book does not have this criss-cross pattern, I did it without even thinking, and when Katherine mentioned to mam on the phone that we were having treacle tart the first thing my mam asked was whether I'd put the criss-crosses on. So it must be some folk memory of the way things are done.
Anyway, the tart was good, though much lemonier than I'd remembered, so I suspect that either my mam ignored that bit of the recipe, or perhaps it was brought in in the 1990s reprint of the book.
It seems fairly clear from Katherine's uncontrollable giggles while watching Top Gear, that she is drunk on syrup. Aside from giggling, Katherine has had a bit of a dull day. With her leg still too sore (and now really swollen too) to do much walking, she limped disconsolately from her bed (for reading) to the sofa (for watching pony movies). After lunch we all watched Doctor Who, though I managed to drift off once or twice, so I guess the 'dinosaurs in spaceship' concept was less exciting to me than to other members of the household for whom it seemed like a dream come true (I mean Conor, of course).
This morning (I know, I seem to be tackling the day backwards) I did some work while Conor took Mr B out for his weekend exercise - five miles along the roman road. But the bit of work I'm proofing/editing at the moment is awful - there are very few sentences where I can even begin to guess what they are supposed to be trying to say. And I have 16000 words to do...
Mr B had another margarita urge today, but somehow managed to make them with almost none of the correct ingredients, despite having them all to hand. Anyway, that all fuelled a fun afternoon in the kitchen making odd things and catching up on the news we'd forgotten to catch up on yesterday. I think I need to go and start paying attention to Top Gear: Mr B has just explained to the kids what 'anus', 'genitals' and 'balls' mean. Hmmm. Perhaps I should put a pony movie on....
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