
By KimChristie

Put your best foot forward.

This is the only shot I have taken today but it is the perfect summation of what I have done.

A good day it has been. It was my turn for a lie in which was needed so I slept til 10am....bliss. After getting up and doing some bits and bobs I got my running kit on and Bjornico and the girls drove me up to Frognerseteren so I could do a long run as I had wanted today. So my plan was to run through the forest to Sognsvann.

The running conditions were perfect for me. The air was cool and fresh and it was a bit grey. No real sun to speak of thank goodness. Strange not wanting the sun but I get exceedingly hot when I run so the sun is a miserable companion to have!

I had a route in mind but managed somehow to veer right where I should have gone left and ended up on the wrong path. So i took what I thought was a path that´d just cut me across to my intended route...more fool me. I ended up on terrain exactly the same as Tuesday night. Streams, marsh, mud and tree roots. I must admit though, today was more enjoyable than Tuesday as the experience of having done it once already this week seems to have made me more adept at running this rough, rocky forest path. I eventually came out at the other side and started running in what I thought was the correct direction only to discover I was actually back tracking towards Frognerseteren. Aargh! So I about turned and made my way in the correct direction and eventually made it to Sognsvann. My legs were feeling good by the time I got there so I decided to continue and head for home. The plan had originally been that B would come and pick me up at Sognsvann as that is a 14km run from Frognersetern. So I trudged on and made the final 9km back to the house and in not to bad a time. Certainly gives me something to work on come the 22nd when I do my half marathon.

The wonderful thing about Oslo folk is the way they take to the woods. I love this time of year up there and it is obvious I am not alone. Come the weekend the people of Oslo flock there in their masses. Be it for a nice, relaxing country walk with friends or family, a bike ride or a run (come the winter on skis) you find all shapes and sizes, skin tones and nationalities (it is impossible not to part-take once you move here!) I love the way it is such a natural part of life here.

This was the colour of my feet post run. My trainers absolutely soaked through and caked in mud!!! Delightful!!!

Following a lovely hot shower I thought it about time to treat myself for my efforts so we bundled into the car and headed for a favourite Sunday coffee haunt and indulged in coffee and a raw food blueberry cake. Guilt free heaven. No gluten, sugar, dairy or soya in it and yet it tasted simply delicious! I think I need to get the recipe!!! Now for a late dinner - rack of lamb - lovingly prepared by the wonder chef Bjornico and some time for relaxing before a new week begins.

Happy Sunday Blippers!

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