Yesterday (I think) TallGirl saw this little fella being chased (or followed, intentions were not clear) by a chicken, in our garden. An odd set of events given that we don't have chickens.
This morning our neighbours' chickens were not out and about, so Mr Hedgehog just had a good snuffle around instead. No fear at all. Not sure why he's out and about in daylight, but he soon wandered off into the undergrowth for, presumably, a nap.
Tonight was the meeting at TallGirl's school about her trip to England in June (by bus - eek). There was much sniggering when the audience was told that the kids would be collected by their host families at 7pm, and that most likely the family would already have eaten by then. When we were first here, and the kids were younger, we used to eat at about 6pm. Mr B and I were both doing hard physical labour all day and were dropping from hunger by then, so it wasn't just for the kids' sake. However, they were so mocked by their friends that we changed our eating time. When I told a neighbour we'd done this, she said "Well of course, otherwise how would you ever have time for aperos?"
Different worlds.
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