
By Lulurocks


Haven't blipped much lately. A mixture of not finding any inspiration and inspiration not finding me.
It's been a tough few days, struggling with pain in the good old back, so much so I have barely left the house.
Back to work tomorrow and needed something to lift my spirits before I have to go back.
So we went out for a drive, hoping to find something to get my juices flowing again!
At the end of a lovely day out, driving around the countryside, we stopped at a little place called Insole Court.
A beautiful old manor house set in lush gardens.
Snap happy once more. This may not have been the best pic of the day but there was just something about the way the house was peeking through the foliage.
Made me feel all romantic and wonder just what this house may have seen over the many years.
Back home and on the sofa with F1. Fingers crossed for a better week ahead.

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