17 years married and 3000 blips in - a double celebration!
Though by my calculation I have 331 backblips to catch up on...
Today, an early and successful foraging trip to our most local vide grenier. It is quite small, and the only one I don't haggle at - since most of the stall-holders are friends - but I found a bargain outdoor sink.
Mr B had wrapped up work by the time we got back, so fizz and cakes in the garden (dodging the showers under the elder tree) then a cheese-focussed lunch and lots of lazing about.
Now we are all watching Blade Runner, which is Mr B's and my favourite movie (though we just realised we've never watched it together) so we've warned the kids that they'd better like it....
Despite having spent the wee small hours checking the rabbit hadn't suffocated, and the slightly larger hours with the World Service doing sterling work lulling me to sleep, I am still awake enough to reflect on blip, to be happy about what it gives me, and to be delighted that - despite my woeful attendance record - kindly folk still pop by to keep up with family SooB. The winds of change may be blowing again round here - I'll keep you posted.
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