Looking smart

Looking almost too smart! Ours is a cottage garden, in no way formal, and looked good with its Yourk stone crazy paving. But that was breaking up and had to be replaced. It was quite a shock yesterday when this new paving went down and I thought we had made a dreadful mistake! But now it is finished properly and the pots and chairs are back, I think I like it! I shall have to tidy the rest if the garden to bring it up to scratch!
So now they have gone! A garrulous Irishman was the boss who appeared every now and then with a phone in his hand, a truculent Welsh foreman who sat in his van most of the time, also on his phone, and two delightful Romanian labourers who did all the work! They have tidied up immaculately. I won't have bad dreams about it tonight, like I did last night!

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