Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Adios 518

I have been travelling on the 518 to my uncle's house for as long as I can remember, and the surprisingly frequent bus service to the fairly remote village he lives in was one of the things that enabled to me to give up my car. As of 16 Sept though, services have been slashed and the times of the service don't connect properly to get people to and from work/school. Luckily for me though it will still get me to and from my uncle's at the weekend ok, so hello x18. This picture was taken at Morpeth Bus Station on the bus journey home tonight :-)

Apologies for not being too social on blip at the moment, a combination of sickness and busy-ness has left me a bit stranded lately, but looking forward to catching up on everyone's journals after the house move.

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