Paddy's Wigwam

That's the locals name for the Metropolitan Cathedral. I arrived in Liverpool on the early train so walked up to the piazza cafe for lunch then walked up the steps into the cathedral. I love the colours of the stained glass windows and the Easter tableaux. It's so peaceful to sit in the lovely light.
I walked to the hospital for my appointment, I had an hours wait as they were running late. Eye test then scan then saw the consultant. The hole is repaired thankfully and I've been discharged. The optician has to monitor for the cataract. Train then walk home. Everything was still bright and blurry from the drops. I was exhausted when I got home as I'd had an early start gardening in the village now I've volunteered with the Shevington in Bloom group. A busy day.
Thank you for all the lovely comments and stars on the past few blips.

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