The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


It's been some time since I have posted here in my Blipfoto journal.  I'm not sure why, but suspect it had to do with job burnout and a creative slump.

About a year and a half ago, my friend, SJ, who lives in England, came to visit my family here in the States.  On one of our many excursions, we visited Owego, NY, which is a quaint town, situated on the Susquehanna River, about 20 miles from our home.

While there, SJ and I visited many unique shops, including The Black Cat Gallery, where I discovered the work of Christina Knickerbocker.  I fell in love with several of her pieces, but didn't have a suitable place for any of them.

Over the last couple of months, I finally got around to painting and furnishing my writing room, which was formerly a storage place for our many books and sundries.  (Read: Junk Room.)

Faced with decorating the walls of my new creative abode, I thought about going back and purchasing one of Christina's pieces.  Imagine my disappointment, when a trip to Owego ended up empty handed.

Fortunately, I had Christina's business card, and contacted her.  She responded quickly, and over the course of a few days, helped me find exactly what I wanted.

I am pleased to introduce "BarB."  She resides on a shelf in my office, looking out for me, and letting guests know whether I am "open" or "closed" for visitors.

Some may find her a bit odd, but I think she is beautiful!  Art comes in many forms, and BarB is not only different, she's recycled!

Baby doll parts and all, I love her.

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