My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Surprise treat

After the awfully dramatic weekend we had Baby L did not go to nursery today and I needed to arrange childcare or not go in to work.

It was my full day at work today and my mum usually looks after Baby L in the afternoon anyway... she was able to come a bit earlier so I went in late. My boss was very understanding when I spoke to him last night on the phone.

We kept Baby L dosed up to the eyeballs all day and she had a good day for my mum... Mum was as relieved as anyone as was not relishing the thought that she might have to rush off down to the hospital.

Hopefully we've turned a corner and Baby L can regain her strength and be on the mend.

In other news, I had a positive meeting with HR at work today regarding my back and some evenings coming up at work - am getting myself stressed about it as I still breastfeed at bedtime and through the night. I was not expecting to still be going with this when we started, but here we are and it's become really important to me (and to Baby L, naturally.)

Picture is of a lovely surprise treat I found tucked into my daily planner when I got to work - one of my colleagues is very sweet and caring indeed.

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