Giving this a go...

By Debiives

London Duathlon and Ironkids

Today I did the Challenge Distance of the London Duathlon and it certainly was a challenge. The temperature was about 28C and I struggled with the runs. 10k run first which I had stomach cramps for about 4 miles. Not something I normally get and if I do it'll last about 1/2 mile. So that didn't help and I got a very slow time on that run and 1st transition.
Then it was a 20k cycle and once I got going I was happy with the ride and really enjoyed it. Even the 2 steep hills. Then I finished with a 5k run which there was just nothing left in the legs for. The first mile was uphill and into the wind and very hard. I've never seen so many people walking in a race. I'd say at least 90% of the runners I saw were doing it as run-walk-run-walk etc. Oh and I had a bad stitch which I think was from the volume of water I'd drunk to try and stay hydrated.
I'll do it again next year though.

Then Cameron did the Ironkids duathlon. He had to run 200m, cycle 400m (out and back twice so a few tight turns) then run 200m. He did brilliantly and really enjoyed it. He was totally out of breath at the end and had obviously pushed himself as hard as he good. Well done C :-)

Oh and our medals are amazing, great detail on mine and both heavy and good solid medals.

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