Staying out of the house walk

The communal walkway to our house is being renewed. This is proving to be a bit challenging with regard to when we can go in or out. Unfortunately we live at the end of the walkway so have the furthest to walk and out of six properties, four are either holiday lets or second homes. So the very lovely guys, who have been carrying out the work, have been liaising with Ann as to when I can go for my walks.

Yesterday I had to have early morning walk so that I was back home by 8am because the guys wanted to coat the walkway in something or other and Ann wanted it done by 1pm so that she could take me out for my afternoon walk before she went to work. When Ann left for work yesterday afternoon they were supposed to be putting on the final coat of whatever it is that they're doing. However, when Ann came home at 8.30pm it didn't look any different.

This morning Ann worked 9-2pm. She'd told the guys that was going to be her routine for today and that as soon as she got home she'd be doing the afternoon dog walk. She wasn't too worried about the walkway because the guys had told her they had somewhere else to be this morning.

Famous last words...........................

Ann arrived home to find the guys waiting for her. They'd mixed up whatever it is that they've put down on the walkway and it had to be used straight away . Talk about dramatic!  Ann asked if they could give her 5 mins – she doesn't usually do the dog walk in her work clothes and she was desperate for the loo because she's still on her 'water regime'. And also; she hadn't had lunch but sometimes one just has to go with the flow.

Anyway, we had to stay out of the house for two hours so I got an extra long walk. Yay! We trekked around for 5 miles and I found mud. Yay! And then I had to find rock pools and little streams to wallow in to get clean. Yay!

…..................And when we got back the guys had gone, which meant that it was OK for us to walk on the walkway again and as far as we're aware they only have to come back to do a few 'finishing off' jobs. However, Ann's not particularly happy with the walkway. She thought it was all going to be one colour but it looks like the edges are black and the middle bits are cream and then there's black bits separating each house. Not quite sure who chose that design? But hey, ho I guess that's what happens when one isn't around to attend the Ressie AGM?

…........But, it's done now and it will be much quieter to walk on and hopefully there will be no more leaks into the houses below.

…..........Perhaps we will Blip it tomorrow?!

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