My home patch

The last few envelopes delivered, a few more conversations, an expletive and a hug.
I'd say I've taken my chances from 10% to 30%, but I know I've given it my best shot. For a lot of folk I've been the only candidate they've ever seen - and even if they still vote on party lines perhaps I've shown local people that they've a right to expect more. Of course based on the other candidates performances to date, if that is how the vote goes - well they probably won't see anyone again for a goodly while.
I stood because my little corner of the county always seems to be forgotten and ignored - and I've made a real effort to get out and see people all over the division from Stainmore to Musgrave to Greenholme and nearly every hamlet in between. We'll have one more push in the morning (400 targeted "use your vote" letters for people we've spoken to) but for now the final tally is;
766 people actually spoken to.
1212 properties visited in person.
A total of 5000 leaflets, newsletters and personalised letters delivered to 2100 properties.

I can rest with that.

Now just up a sunrise start and early hours finish to go.

*great news (for me) despite ransacking the car yesterday I found my sunglasses wedged in the rear footwell. Hurrah.

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