Warning - Birds Nesting

My cycle to and from the office I'm visiting is pleasant and takes me from Milton along the bicentennial bikeway to Toowong then around the University of Queensland campus and through various residential streets and parks to Indooroopilly. There is a pleasant lack of "cyclists dismount" signs where the bike route crosses minor roads and drives ... anyway ... on my way in this morning I noticed this sign which in case you cant read it says :

"WARNING - Birds Nesting

Many birds such as butcherbirds, magpies and miners nest is this area and may swoop on passers-by. This is a normal protective behaviour during the breeding season and lasts up to six weeks.

Protect yourself:

Avoid the are during breeding season if possible
Move quickly through the area - don't run
Wear a hat of carry an umbrella
Bike riders dismount and walk.

You do see folks with spikes on top of their bike helmets to dissuade swooping magpies but I've not been swooped at yet (nor on any previous visits). I have, however, been attacked by Bonxies both in Scotland and the Faroes when crossing moorland they were nesting on and where I had to hold a walking pole above my head to prevent them striking!

P.S. Since initially posting this I've found Magpie Map 2012 online

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