My Restless Lens

By terri365

1374 - Green Orb Spider

It's been a while since I have done any macro work...  It was also a bit windy!

I pulled a sicky at work today...  I can honestly say I have never done that before!  I should be grateful to be working again but I am really not happy at work...  My friends keep saying "But you're getting a good salary for the crap bits!"  I would rather have job satisfaction than a good salary - I have been in a job where I have been unhappy before and it's not a good feeling!

I tried to speak to my boss about my role but she is very blinkered and shot me down in flames.  I am being treated like a junior technician at times by my colleague who thinks he is superior to me (he is an associate director so I guess he has the right to), however, I found out last night I am more qualified than he is!!!  I am so very frustrated and hope that something else comes up soon!  My CV has been updated, agencies contacted and I am eagerly searching the job sites again...  sigh!

But at least I am working - that is the main thing and I keep trying to hang onto that!

I have posted an extra of my boy - it's been a while since I shot hm too!

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