Poor Big Daddy Muntjac :(
Backblipping owing to tech issues.
I saw a pair of ears through the broken glass in disused glasshouse thirteen and thought it was the young muntjac that I've seen there a few times lately. I haven't managed to capture it as by the time I've climbed into place the little animal has high-tailed it. I clambered up and the deer met my stare through the lens but didn't budge. Eventually it hauled itself to its feet and limped away. It was Big Daddy. I wonder how he got hurt? He has probably been hit by a car like I think Reynard was. :(
Still quite dull and cool in the morning but after lunch it warmed up and I captured some lovely bugs. It was great to see them, like a reunion with old friends. :)
Today's poem is You're by Sylvia Plath. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/49010
Lovely to read Plath being positive. She describes her unborn baby daughter masterfully. Clown and loaflike with a moon-skull, rippling like eels and jumpy as a Mexican bean.
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