Lali's World

By Lali

A stroll along the pier

Summer season has started at the distillery, although it's not summer yet. In any case, it doesn't feel like it. Yes, it's sunny, but it's still bloody cold!

So, with the summer come the late finishes, as tourists have lots of things to visit and do during the day and tend to leave their visit to the distillery to the very last minute. It's interesting how we are always much quieter in the morning than in the late afternoon. So yes, my evenings, my quality time, are becoming shorter and shorter....

I went for a stroll along the pier after work. This was Wednesday. we had dinner afterwards and started watching a new series called 'Locked up', Spanish thriller based on the life of a prisoner in a high security women's prison. So far so good. It was pretty much time to go to bed afterwards.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good Wednesday! :)

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