Complusive and disorderly

By fruitbat


My great uncle in wisconsin very sadly passed away on the 8th September, and though I didn't get to see him very often he will be so incredibly missed. He was the nicest man I ever met, bar none, and I'm proud to have the great fortune to have been related to him, however distantly. There was nothing he wouldn't do for his family to make them feel welcome in his home, and he was just truly a remarkable, sweet, kind, giving and caring man - there was no bad word that could have been said about him at all. Unfortunately I'm not able to blip a picture of him, so I have posted a picture of my husband instead - as my uncle's passing has reminded me to try harder to not take my husband for granted, because we're all human and we won't always be here. Those we love are taken from us, and whether we see it coming or not, it blindsides you for a while, you know that one day you will lose your loved ones, but you will still need time to adjust to how you feel and consider how you may have thought about things before - why him, why now? And there are no answers to those questions, but a better way to prepare for them is to appreciate every second you get with them. I look forward to seeing this dopey face when I wake up every day for the rest of my life, and I want to keep appreciating it until I'm not here anymore, either.

So, rest in peace, and good night Uncle Don, your passing is not only a loss to your whole family, but a loss to the world - it could do with more wonderful people like you.

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