The Wise Thrush

Backblipping owing to tech issues.

Not a great image but I was delighted to be able to capture this thrush. I've been listening to and enjoying its song for a while and have been trying to get a pic. The other day it was singing loudly from a tree and I just couldn't pinpoint it, it's much more difficult to photograph birds now that the trees are in leaf.

Today I was quite a way from it but could see it clearly as its perch was a dead branch, unfortunately it flew before I could get an image of it with its beak open in song

Today's poem is Transmutation by Edwin Muir.

Memories of our lives reduced by time to ghosts, glances and gleams in our personal phantom grounds. EM's wife Willa was transmuted at their first meeting, they were both entranced by the experience of dancing together, floating round the hall. 

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