
What’s Outside My Window?
The Sea! (Well it was!)
This was the view from my window early this morning. Although technically it is not ‘my’ window, it was at the time, and I wanted to record this on the day that we reluctantly left the house with the sea at the bottom of the garden, which we had been living in for the last two weeks. I will miss this view.
We meandered our way back from Northumberland to Cumbria, picking up provisions as we went. Of course we started with buying kippers and smoked salmon, among other things, from the Smokehouse just down the road. Then we set off from Craster and were on our way. We stopped at Rothbury for pies, sausages etc, from the ‘famous’ butcher there. Our next stop was the Cheese Farm where we had lunch and bought several of the wonderful Northumberland Cheeses. A final stop in Hexham and then we were home. Missing the sea already.

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