A New Day

By ANewDay

Cambo Beauty

Took advantage of the lovely sunny weather and a voucher from "itison" to pay a visit to Cambo Gardens in the East Neuk of Fife.  The voucher included the entrance fee, a bowl of soup and a filled roll for 2 people, so was really good value at £10!

We nearly came unstuck when it was discovered that the voucher only covered Mon - Thurs, but they very kindly allowed us in anyway!!  There were only a few other visitors, so it was lovely to wander through the gardens and the woodlands and not see another soul.

My main blip is of a Mecanopsis (Blue Poppy) looking like a giant parasol against the sunshine.  Extras include some wonderful, almost black, tulips, whitebells and bluebells, a couple of athletic statues, the North Sea and the Tamworth piglets.  Quite a variety of things to see, as I'm sure you'll agree:-)

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